Health Checks
Your Full Health Check By Your Private GP

At The Walcote Practice, we are able to assist with medical issues as and when they arise. However, we also believe that it is very important to set aside dedicated time with you to carry out a Health Check tailored to your health aims, past medical history and unique risk profile.
Our aim is to help you progress towards, and then maintain, optimal health and wellbeing.
What happens at a Health Check?
Your doctor will assess any health risks and concerns by:
- Discussing your current health, your medical history and that of your close family members
- Providing detailed systems examinations
- Arranging appropriate screening and investigations, including blood panels and imaging if necessary, based on your specific risk factors. Click here to learn more about Health Screening including TruCheck™ Cancer Screening Panels.
Your Health Check Report
We will provide all results and outcomes in the form of a detailed interpretative document, including recommendations. This then provides a useful baseline for future engagement with the doctors at The Walcote Practice, whether on the basis of further interval screening, or any unanticipated needs.
Elements of your Health Check Report may include, if required:
- Advice and setting of health goals tailored to you, eg regarding factors such as diet, exercise, stress management etc.
- Referral for consultations with allied health professionals, eg physiotherapists.
- Organising further medical tests/ investigations if necessary.
- Discussing treatment options for any conditions discovered through your screening.
- Referral to medical specialists.
Our doctors aim to empower you to take control of your health and we look forward to engaging with you to work towards your goals.