Occupational Health
The good health of each and every staff member in a business is fundamental to achieving and maintaining a happy, engaged, reliable and productive workforce. In today’s pressured world, occupational (or workplace) health is becoming ever more important to business sustainability and success.
The Walcote Practice offers a variety of Occupational Health Services which can be tailored to the individual requirements of your staff or your company. You may pick and choose from the following services, or please do enquire about any other service which you might require if not listed below:
- Quick access to medical and psychological services, diagnostic tests, scans, health screening and more
- Referrals to a leading range of hospital consultants and allied health professionals, if required
- Full Annual Health Checks with personalised health advice
- Work-related immunisation programmes, including flu vaccinations administered on-site at business premises for convenience
- Corporate travel advice
- Pre-placement medicals and back-to-work medicals
- Active management of sickness absence including long-term cases, considering capability decisions and development of return-to-work strategies
- Consideration of the Equality Act and the requirement for ‘reasonable adjustments’ in the workplace
- Drug and alcohol policies and testing in the workplace, if required
- Consideration of the health hazards and risks particular to your business activities and workplace, with concurrent health surveillance and screening if necessary
Healthcare Packages
Whether you wish to maintain the good health of your staff or to address health problems within your workforce, The Walcote Practice can help to facilitate a fit, resilient and motivated workforce.

We offer bespoke Corporate Healthcare Packages to businesses of all sizes and types. These Packages offer the reassurance of flexible, rapid and convenient access to our GPs for personalised staff healthcare.
Our experienced doctors will carefully address any current health issues with each employee, and also take measures to screen each person for potential future problems, with a focus on preventative health. Medical, occupational and psychological health issues will all be explored to ensure that all aspects of health are optimised and maintained. We will empower your staff in their healthcare and assist them in reaching desired health outcomes.
Why is Occupational Health Important?

Unfortunately, any employee may suffer from ill health, adversely affecting their work performance with knock-on consequences for other team members and the business as a whole.
Typical illnesses may range widely from colds, short-term illnesses and musculoskeletal problems to longer-term illnesses, stress, anxiety, depression and many more. Staff may not know how best to address their health issue/s, and often do not inform managers or HR staff due to the fear of potentially negative consequences to their employment. A downward spiral for both the employee and the business can easily ensue.
Benefits to Your Business
Your staff and your business can reap the rewards of our efficient and effective occupational health service. Substantial employee health benefits and business cost savings can be quickly achieved.
Research has shown that companies with good health benefit packages demonstrate:
- Fit, healthy employees with a happier and more energetic disposition, leading to an excellent working environment
- Increased individual performance and increased productivity of the workforce as a whole
- Improved staff morale and job satisfaction – staff feel supported by a company which shows a real commitment to prioritising staff health
- A resilient, motivated and engaged workforce able to deal with stress more effectively
- A workforce with a better work-life balance
- Enhanced retention and loyalty of staff and reduced staff turnover, hence reduced recruitment and training costs
- Reduced business and health insurance costs from a decrease in staff sickness and absenteeism, combined with faster recovery times
- Improved company profits
Find out more
To find out more about our Occupational Health Services or our Corporate Healthcare Packages, please email info@thewalcotepractice.co.uk or call 01962 828715.