Our Services
Standard GP Services & More From Your Private GP

The Walcote Practice offers the full range of standard GP services plus a large range of important additional GP and medical services as part of your Private Healthcare. Please see the list below and click for details.
- Acute & Chronic Illness
- Health Checks & Health Screening
- Prescriptions & Medication
- Maternity Care & Family Planning
- Babies & Children
- Procedures & Minor Surgery
- Vaccinations & Travel Health
- Occupational Health
- Medicals, Forms & Reports
- Other Services
Acute & Chronic Illness
- Diagnosis and management of a diverse range of medical conditions, both short and long-term for adults and children
- Monitoring for patients on long term medication, including anti-coagulation monitoring
- Blood pressure checks
Health Checks & Health Screening
- Annual Health Checks (male and female)
- Health Screening
- Preventative medicine and lifestyle advice
- Sexual health consultations and screening – confidential, discreet and non-judgemental service
- Cervical smears
- Covid-19 testing – asymptomatic testing in person/remote, symptomatic testing remote only
Prescriptions & Medication
Maternity Care & Family Planning
- Antenatal and postnatal maternity care
- Family planning & contraceptive advice
- Fitting contraceptive devices including coils (IUCD and Mirena) and contraceptive implant
Babies & Children
- Diagnosis and management of a diverse range of childhood medical conditions, both short and long-term
- Newborn examinations
- Standard baby and childhood vaccinations
Procedures & Minor Surgery
- Minor skin surgery, such as removing lumps, bumps and moles on the skin
- Joint and soft tissue injections
Vaccinations & Travel Health
- Wide range of vaccinations (please see Schedule of Fees for sample list)
- Travel health advice and immunisations
- Flu vaccine
- HPV vaccine
Occupational Health
Diverse range of occupational health services and corporate healthcare packages for businesses of all types and sizes.
Medicals, Forms & Reports
Your private GP can help with a wide range of forms:
- Medicals for insurance, employment and driving purposes
- Adoption and fostering medicals
- Insurance claim forms and passport forms
Please enquire about specific forms or reports.
- Smoking cessation support
- Services for patients who are alcohol users
- Management of terminal illness
- Spirometry
- Ear syringing
- Dietary advice
- Warts and verrucae
- Removal of stitches
We offer too many services to list fully, so please contact us to enquire about your individual requirements. We will always do our best to meet your needs.