Patient Survey Results 2024
As part of regulatory requirements, best practice and in line with our ethos, The Walcote Practice is required to provide healthcare that is Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-Led (key areas).
As an integral component of our Quality Assurance (QA) processes, and our culture of quality and continuous improvement, we regularly gather data on the opinions of our stakeholders (eg patients, their families, friends, carers and advocates) regarding our healthcare service in order to:
- Inform stakeholders of the performance standards at which The Walcote Practice aims to operate
- Seek their views on the performance of The Walcote Practice against those standards
- Involve stakeholders as much as possible
- Collect statistical data which can be used in our QA processes to improve performance
Stakeholder Survey Approach
During 2024, patients, their families, friends, carers and advocates were surveyed via two written Practice Performance Questionnaires regarding their opinions on The Walcote Practice in the following key areas:
- Survey 1 – Safe, Effective & Well-Led – February 2024
- Survey 2 – Caring & Responsive – August 2024
On each survey, a series of statements was made regarding the expected standards of performance against the key areas, and participants then scored their response based on how strongly they agreed with each statement. Comments and suggestions for improvements were also invited. Participants were able to return completed surveys anonymously if desired.
Over 89% of patients invited to undertake a survey did so, which was very helpful.
Very positively, every patient and relative, friend, carer or advocate either agreed or strongly agreed with the survey statements if they had had experience of that area. This resulted in an excellent rating of 94% for The Walcote Practice for performance across the areas of Safe, Effective and Well-Led, and 97% across the areas of Caring and Responsive. This is very welcome feedback and The Walcote Practice will of course continue to strive to maintain these high standards.
Many positive and encouraging written comments were also received from participants – please see our Testimonials page for this under ‘February (or August) 2024, Survey Responder’.
Actions – You Said, We Did
In the first survey, two participants requested improved parking. However, in response to previous patient feedback, since early 2023 The Walcote Practice has been pleased to offer free on-site parking at our fully accessible Branch Surgery in a state-of-the-art building at Chilcomb Park near Winchester. This suggests therefore that we may need to do more to raise patient awareness of our Branch Surgery and its parking facilities, and as a result we are working to do this, eg via a Patient Folder notice at the Main Surgery, increased information on our website etc.
In the second survey, one participant commented that they had to wait over one week to see their registered GP. This reflects the fact that, as is inevitable, some GPs were on annual leave at the time of the survey during August. Other GPs were available for same day appointments had the patient wished to be seen sooner.
Your Involvement
We strive to make The Walcote Practice the best that it can be. Your opinion is important to us and your suggestions are much appreciated.
We would like to thank the patients and their families, friends, carers and advocates who provided their helpful feedback within this survey.
If you would like to help shape the services offered by The Walcote Practice, you can join our virtual Patient Participation Group (vPPG) – we would then contact you by email every now and again to ask you a question or two. We will certainly not bombard you and you can request to be removed at any time. Should you be interested, please complete our vPPG Joining Form here and return it to or to Angela Ward, Practice Manager, The Walcote Practice, Southgate Chambers, 37-39 Southgate Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9EH.