Need help with a troublesome skin lesion?

Most people live with moles, warts, cysts and skin tags which cause no problems. Sometimes, however, such skin lesions can change, grow or become uncomfortable or unacceptable over time, therefore potentially requiring assessment or treatment.

NHS GPs are able to assess all such skin lesions. They will also refer for treatment if any lesion is cause for serious concern, eg a potentially cancerous mole. However, unfortunately many NHS GPs are unable to offer treatment for any benign (non-cancerous) skin lesion, even if it is causing minor but annoying issues such as snagging or certain functional problems.


At The Walcote Practice, all such skin issues can be fully assessed by our private GPs. Our doctors are also able to address other troublesome skin issues including thread veins, blood spots, milia and areas of sun damaged skin. All appropriate treatment options are discussed in detail.

If treatment such as minor surgery is required, this procedure can often be carried out in the same sitting as your initial appointment, if desired. Alternatively, you can book to return for the procedure at another time of your choice.

For your convenience, our practice is specifically equipped with a range of specialist equipment to enable doctors to carry out minor skin surgery on site in our consultation room. Our private GPs will aim to make you as comfortable as possible during the short procedure and they are able to address multiple skin lesions in the same appointment. For any worrying lesions, they will send a tissue sample to the lab for analysis.

In order to minimise potential scarring, our doctors will always use the least invasive surgical technique which is appropriate for your issue. The overall result inevitably depends upon each patient’s skin type, general healing and adherence to wound-care instructions, however in the vast majority of cases healing is fast and the cosmetic outcome excellent.

If you would like to view testimonials from patients who have undergone minor surgery at the Walcote Practice, please click here. For our Schedule of Fees, please click here.

You may also wish to keep an eye out for our next blog article which will feature a video of Dr Hillier in action carrying out a minor surgery skin procedure.

Should you wish to book an assessment for possible removal or treatment of a skin lesion by an expert GP please call reception on 01962 828715 . Alternatively, please direct any questions to Dr Nicholas Hillier on .